WIN at the Cancun 2023 Congress
The annual IFA Congress generates not only an outstanding technical program but also provides the opportunity to network with top professionals from all over the world. Every year the Women of IFA Network organises an exciting programme at the annual congress.
In 2013 the first Tea for WIN was introduced to enhance the congress experience for women. Such a get-together allows to more easily break down country barriers and get acquainted with professionals beyond the “country branches”. The opportunity to create such deep cross-border relationships is very valuable and is a benefit that few organizations can provide. In addition, the Tea for WIN allowed discussing professional issues that affect women in their careers and to share how these issues play out in different cultures.
Over the years the WIN programme grew rapidly and included more and more, not only social, but also popular scientific activities. The 2022 Berlin Congress will see a WIN Meet and Greet, a WIN Seminar, a WIN Lunch, WIN in conversation to start your congress day with, and last but notg least, a boat tour Highlights of Berlin. In less than ten years, the WIN Community has become a strong one. For more information, please read the 2022 report.